
Question 1 - Which country plays host to Russia’s only Mediterranean naval base?

Question 2 - Which South American country is the only one to have both a Pacific and Caribbean coast?


Question 3 - “A country, not a war”, was the slogan recently used by which country’s tourist board?

Question 4 - Between which three countries is the island of Borneo divided?

Brunei; Malaysia; Indonesia

Question 5 - Where would you find the most northerly cathedral in the UK?

Kirkwall, Orkney (St. Magnus Cathedral)

Question 6 - In which European country can two other independent countries be found?

Italy (the Vatican City and San Marino)

Question 7 - Where is a) the Mosquito Coast, and b) the Skeleton Coast? c) And which country was previously called the Gold Coast?

a) Nicaragua and Honduras; b) Namibia and Angola; c) Ghana

Question 8 - What massive earthwork is believed to have been built to mark the boundary between the ancient Anglian kingdom of Mercia and the Welsh kingdom of Powys?

Offa’s Dyke

Question 9 - Which two US states does Monument Valley straddle?

Arizona and Utah

Question 10 - How old is Earth, give or take?

4.54 billion years